accessibility STATEMENT

a•pe•ri•od•ic has a two-pronged commitment to accessibility.

First, the ensemble is committed to working toward accessible concert events, communicating carefully with all concert-goers in advance about the facilities at the venue and the concert’s duration. We actively work to make accommodations for audience members with disabilities and will invite attendees to contact us to communicate queries and requests across promotional material with an accessibility statement.

We welcome questions about the accessibility of the venue or performance, including requests for further accommodation, please contact us at

Second, a•pe•ri•od•ic understands its collaborative and process-oriented approach to experimental music to be an opportunity to explore questions about music, listening, and access. Mindful of the way in which the rituals of the concert-going experience can feel exclusionary, the ensemble is committed to many approaches to explanation, education, and reorientation as we share our music-making with others. At concerts, for example, audiences can expect the ensemble to make the performance accessible not only through traditional program notes, but also by engaging each other and listeners in conversation, presenting scores and other materials on display outside the performance space, and formal question and answer sessions.

a•pe•ri•od•ic is working to learn from ongoing conversations about accessibility and has consulted best practices from the City of Chicago and American Composers Forum, as well as, guiding practices from musical advocates for accessibility, such as Pauline Oliveros.